Mainly used for interconnections for control circuits, communication systems, electrical panels, machine tools as well as lighting at lower loads.
Typically upto 61 cores from 1.0 sq. mm to 2.5 sq. mm with voltage grade upto 1.1 KV
Copper – Solid, Stranded (Circular) or Flexible – Bare or Tinned
(Sector/Circular) or Flexible
PVC – GP/HR/FR/FRLS, PE, Zero Halogen or Rubber – FR/HOFR
Galvanized Steel or Aluminium Round Wire / Flat Strip / Tape or GI/ Tinned Copper Braiding
PVC – GP/HR/FR/FRLS, PE, Zero Halogen or Rubber- FR/HOFR/TRS
Generally confirming to IS: 694, IS: 1554 (Pt-I), IS: 7098 (Pt-I), IEC: 60502-1, BS: 5467, BS: 6346, AS/NZS 5000.1 and designed to meet customer’s requirements
- Cable design can be customised to meet customer requirements
- Provides high degree of protection against electrical interference
- Allows better transmission of power and signal at very low voltages to control processes and critical equipment with low effect of induced voltage.